

A Library Made of Granite 2020-02-04

This month, our boss Angela has visited the Great Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Egypt — which is also a major cultural center situated on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea in the city of Alexandria. 

Besides its cultural value, Bibliotheca Alexandria is also a spectacular example of contemporary architecture. Granite elements such as clad walls, facade, floor and wall tiles, steps and risers, and slabs successfully complement the uniqueness of the design.  

Often, when people think of granite, the only thing that comes to mind is granite kitchen countertops. And while this building material is perfect for such usage, there are many more applications of this marvelous natural stone. 

The Biblioteca Alexandrina is an amazing example of how different granite can look. It is hard to believe, that an ancient majestic looking facade and modern glossy looking walls inside the building are made of the same material. Granite has a great variety of colors, finishes, patterns, and looks. 

Find out more about granite applications, pros and cons, design trends and other in Xiamen Aofei Building Materials blog. And please do not hesitate to contact us for any assistance or ideas for your project. Our experts are always excited to help you make your building or design project even better. Call us today!

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